So it's simple really, we love to travel and I love to take photographs, so that's what we do. 

The journey for me started early on when a very good friend ( and still is ) gave me his big brothers Canon Ftb QL while we were at school. This was the first camera I used seriously and did so for ages until it died on me when in Borneo - hence the lack of images.

My fascination with cameras and using them has steadily grown since then and I am glad to say I now own a quite few of the damn things.

The photographs shown here are a small portion of those I have taken over many years now and have been captured on both 35mm and 120 film stock. I will use a digital in certain situations that demand it but on the whole I adore using film. 

As for the subject matter, its street stuff mostly. Nothing is more exciting to me then  documenting people just getting on with their lives. Mostly candid but a lot are taken by engaging with people and asking permission, both are hugely rewarding, fun and scary. 

So I hope those of you who choose to take a look and maybe even enjoy some of what you see may find some inspiration to do the same, or to pursue something else that you really love.

Finally i want to say the most massive thank you to my beautiful wife and bessie mate Justine - who I love to photograph. For her unswerving patience, her enviable ability to organise all of our trips - except one - and her very strange ability to navigate her way round any where. Without you I would be lost, in more ways then one .

So it's to you I dedicate this site.

Stef Becci

Wet feet